Sunday, August 31, 2008

huhu..sudah lm x update blog..xde ms sket plus my broadband dah kne potong..huhu..sape sruh x byr kan...

actly, ari tu my english teacher sruh ktorg try tulis blog in improve our english..i'll try but not now...coz i need to spend more time if i write in english...hbs la duit aku byr cc ni..huhuhu...tggu sy continue blk my broadband la...

sudah 2 bln aku join training far, i love least we know how the real world in banking is...hope after this, i'll get the suitable job....

kpda kengkawan yg nk smbg master to ovrsea, gud luck..hope all of ur dream come true...kpda kengkawan yg bertunang or nk kawen. smoga bhgia slalu..jgn lupa aku yg comel...hehehe...

gee, aku slalu je bukak ur blog, but then, not enough time to leave a comment..luv it, give knowledge to me yg buta IT ni..hehehe..truskan mnjdi blogger yg brjya...=)

jmpe lg...

Friday, August 8, 2008


its not too late to use diz, its 1.05am, 09-08-08 but there are many things happened yesterday so i choose the date as my title..hehe...

--> bha get married..OMG..cant believe dat it happen so mcm baru smlm all of us together in class...picnic at PD...enjoy dinner or lunch together..celebrate birthday..gossipping...and also study....but now, i realize dat all of us has our own destination..the place or something dat we wan to achieve.....we cant be 'one' anymore...but the memories as 'one' are always be in my heart...anyway, congratz to bha..hope korg hepi shgga akhir hayat...smoga jd isteri yg solehah...=)

--> first time i eat kuew tiaw ladna seafood + lipas....sdp gak rsnya..ahaha....

k la..ngantok lak plus xde idea dah nk tulis pe..huhu..mau tdo dlu...

Saturday, August 2, 2008


tetibe aku rasa mcm aku ni x seswai je utk ada blog..sbbnye, aku mula menulis ble aku bosan + x dlm smggu, ssh gak nk jmpe ari yg bersejarah tu...aku rs mcm aku ptut delete trus je blog ini...huhuhu....aku akan mengarut ble bosan..ini la yg sdg aku lakukan skrg..muehehe...dh bosan mgrut..tkr topik~~

sdr x sdr, dah sebulan aku join training ni..ada yg best, n ada yg x best...bestnye sbb dpt gaji mcm org dh keje..yg x bestnye, tiap2 hari, aku kne blakon concentrate n paham ape yg speaker tu ckp kat dpn..x sgka aku still kne buat ape yg dh aku buat ms kat u dlu..aku ttp tdk berubah~~

next week, classmate aku ms kat uitm dlu nk kawen..congratz to her..hope bhgia slalu n cpt2 la dpt anak...ehm..dh tua dh aku ni rupanya..huhuhu..

tetibe blank..hukhuk...xtau nk tulis ape....**jiwa kosong**